Thursday, 31 December 2009


I ask my friend a question. "How you feel about your 2009?"

A year that is happy, with no regrets tho lots are remains undone. He answered.

I do not set any resolutions last year, as I don't resolute any of it back in years 2008. So I think I didn't have anythings that I remain undone... *evil grin* Since I have no guide to follow, I live so freely and being punished as well. I do learns, not dare to stay I turn metal man but at least stronger and better and handling my life. Should that be good? I think it is good!

Obstacle are normal in life, they are meant to help us grow better and stronger.

Personally, I don't really like 2009. It is so breath takings dangerous, I almost game over in my future but somehow I'm back together as the happy me.

2010, is stepping near... I can hear the footsteps by now... *excited excited*

Well, may 2010 is a fun-filled year, a moving forward year, a achievement fulfilled year, a great year as I have 2 convocations to attend. XD

Till then, I am expecting a good year, it will be a good year...

Goodbye 2009,
Welcome 2010...


Monday, 28 December 2009

Dear Daddy


四年了,日子还是一样的过 。我还是一关一关的过,一关一关的闯,不懂你有没有察觉,至少我真的觉得我比较懂事了。还是有点调皮,喜欢闹妈妈,偶尔喜欢跟她吵点小嘴不过不会再跟她闹太大的脾气,知道每次我和她吵大架时你都会很担心,会不开心。所以我现在很会忍让你的老婆,她好我也好,钱比较容易按。很衰仔是吗?衰仔也是你的仔。

我转了学校了,在新的学院上课还真的是有点不习惯的。我真的没有很努力,懒惰了,怎么办?要考试了, 我也很怕,斋怕,什么实际行动都没有。鼓励我一下,好吗?不过我的小聪明,应该能把你交代我做好的事情办妥。 少了你叫我加油,要好好读书,总觉得什么都少了一点点。。。





Sunday, 27 December 2009

Konichiwa~ Kiimochi neh?


'Virginity is like robbing the women, for men "first experience" that only once in a lifetime, I have to inscribe in mind that the supreme pleasure of a special event together. Best quality cherries and women like you want to make a SEX such Virgin'

OMG, 吓素我


Saturday, 26 December 2009


Never be so excited to try out something new, curiosity seriously kill my little kitty... meow~

As I said, I went club on 25th Night, not seeing any naked Santa inside, disappoint big time!!

I have dilemma choosing which one to be in there and have fun. FAME is always my 1st choice, (make me a VIP please) but Then ONE Club is spotted, it is a new club in the neighborhood, so we wanna give it a try cause usually new toilet are nicer to use XD

Salesgirl : Come lar Come lar
Hory : Inside got people a?
Salesgirl : Not Bad ah.. quite a lot...

MY ASS!!!!
I can feel the air-cond rushing tru my ears.... it is so windy inside...

I really bored my ass out, terbelah dua inside, just plain standing and drink!
till a limit, I am high...

FUN but so SS.. cause we are the only table that dance till sweat in the club...
when only we started to dance, we are like the only monkey in the huge zoo, eyes are staring...
the camera man is taking our photos, making us the club treasure... shameless...

I ate someone's tongue, hope that she is not poisonous cause now as my lips are cracking now, I think she is poisonous...

God bless! Tomorrow I still have my lips, pouted nicely

like this
Anyhow, I am a little bit drunk and drive safely home~

kiimochi neh!

Friday, 25 December 2009

I'm Whiping Santa To Run My Sled

Ding Ding Dong
Ding Ding Dong
Ding Ding Do Do Dong~~

Seriously never get enough of the MCD's Chivas, I just have a few sips! and DANG!
Well.. have to pen down something, so I can remember how I spend my Christmas Eve 2009. I ends up successfully rushed back for the BBQ after the wedding dinner and surprise them a little, this little... then eat clamp, eat sotong balls ( in chill), watch the little stingy stars, see those rich motardfootka burn money into the sky... when stuff started to get bored, we moved to the Permai's field to chill, but ends up we go MCD beg for free coke... sigh, cheapo cheapo!!!!

This year, I don't go club to count down... which is indicating I'm moving toward to a healthier life? Good sign...

Later go club...

Dear Christmas,
I have nothing to wish for, so you can probably give me anything, or everything...

I know you will think that I'm lying if I tell you I'm a bad boy

Thursday, 24 December 2009


Am not really a Christmas guy, or be more accurate am not really a festive guy. When I was a kid, my excitement exaggerated, feeling the rush, the happiness of festive especially Chinese New Year and Christmas, cause my dad usually give me big prezzie!

Remember when I was faking my sleep, my dad help me to put on my Power Ranger Watch, got water inside it. Damn Chio..

As I grow older, the more indifferent mood I have toward those special days. As if it is not going to happen again...

Last year, it was just another big excuse for me to run out wildly in club...
This year, I am going to Fake Sister In Law's wedding dinner, if can I might want to rush over
the BBQ~

Should or shouldn't I write down my resolution? I didn't usually resolute my resolution...

Dear Santa, if you happen to visit me tonight, please don't be shock that I didn't hang a sock for you to put in my present... I just wish that I can have a peaceful and wonderful year 2010 coming ahead, wish I can be happy, healthy and wealthy , and this goes to people around me... ain't hard for you, rite?

X'mas Eve
ding ding dong ding ding dong~ding ding dong ding ding dong~

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

微笑的早晨, 我好劲啊!

Please believe that I sleep at 4 am and by norm I shall be waking up around 1pm but I'm excitingly awake at 7.30am...

What a day? I woke up effortlessly early and feeling great!! Wish to have breakfast, any companion? Even my morning class on Friday never able to wake me up at this hour...

I can't help but to feeling CHEERFUL!!!

...Good day...

Evangeline Is Sweet, 许愿吧!

The Princess and The Frog, should have given a better name but despite of that I had great fun watching it. It has been more than a century when I last enjoy a Disney's Princess, never doubt I love one of the soundtrack, but I don't know what is the song title.

I had another movie in the same day as well, which it is the Wind Cloud 2! 风云... like playing those fighting arcade in cinema... Fight till the end... then the movie end tailless... still nice watching it with those very outdone actions and graphics...

Am I aging or what? When I'm watching Wind Cloud, I have a very tired leg, which might be the sigh of sitting too much. Ass having too much affair with cushions...

Back to the main topic I wanna say about, I had a very mix-up feeling today. I had made a very bad move weeks back, which no one can be pin-pointed at but me. I am the one who kinda complicated the situation, and pushed myself into deep shit- smelly shit!

I once have the choice of ending the mess in a very short and best way, but I hesitated and drag on the problem hoping that it will be like those others, gone with the time.

I'm trying too hard to fix it and make it comprehensive to the person, but the neglect attitude of the person make me so troublesome, I felt so sinful and don't know which act is the best for myself and so I gave some damn shit answer when I'm being questioned...

Monday, a very mind troubling day yet a very cheerful day... I purposely make myself occupied so I will have no option when I have to make choices, I am finding tons and tons and tons of excuses to make myself away. Deep in my heart, I prepared for the worst but hoping nothing will ever happen.

Both options aren't the option I will pick, one will make me regret another will make me lost a friend, so called friend... but honestly, I nearly wanna pick up the option that gonna make me regret big time but have some pleasure moments... silly me..

Maybe my wishing to 'Evangeline' are being heard and replied with good deed.. I have my third option which won't happen anything I won't wish it to happen. I kinda ignored everything, meaning I am avoiding the problem again...

Wishing to 'Evangeline' again, problems may be swept under the mat and see no sunshine ever again... till then I am a free soul...

Saturday, 12 December 2009


I wanna hit the club at 1.45 pm, 12 Dec 2009
I'm so in mood!

I'm imagining what's my X'mas present, where I'll be? Fake Dear's sister wedding dinner...

I'm imagining how I'm going to spend my New Year Eve...
I love how I spent it last year

I wanna back to Paris, it has been 10 years since my last visit...
I wanna go travel!

Surprise me please!

by the way,

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


Hello December, going to LoVe ya!
Happy World Aids Day
I'm gonna do safe sex tomorrow to show my support, any volunteer?

Monday, 23 November 2009

Everyone Made Mistakes

...and not every mistakes will be forgiven by God, after all we expected too much from him. He is just another evolution of human, and he sometimes is not that merciful and understanding. That is why he enjoy creating mess for us and so we have mess in our life, big mess.




很多时候,都能预知自己很快的就要犯罪了。 往往在知道这是做的越多,曝露的罪行会是更严重的可是往往我又告诉自己下次不可以了,又再下次不可以了。最后的最后,我还是没看到它的结尾。能真正了结,看似最快也要两年的时间。我不敢赌说我不会重犯,因为每每有了想法,那很快又是下一次了。






Tuesday, 10 November 2009

I'll Never Wish To Be Outside Of You

原来11月真的是一个头脑昏张的月份,回顾了07’ 08’ 年也是没有什么好东西。


"Each time, I made a footprint on the ground I should feel that I'm solid.
Each time, I getting better and better, I want everyone to know that I'm vivid.
The glow I have with me, it will not be only spark. It shines through every souls that know me.
I wish I could."

我是否真的做到了?09 年里头,真的不敢奢望自己真的是一个好的朋友。我不再像以前会为朋友之间的琐事烦恼,想尽办法的去解决,去图一个名分叫做我是真心的好朋友。






我真的很认真地扮演着一个好朋友的角色。努力的我,努力的让身边的人因为认识了我而有了一点不同。我不敢说我是最好的,我也没有很尽力,可我真的有很努力, 说穿了,还不是希望死了以后,灵堂上热闹点,死了也有面子。

不写了。。。 这篇东西越写越没有意义,只是越写越令我烦闷,暴躁!很明显的,我的语文水平下滑的很令人诧异,尤其是华语。对不起,祖宗十九代!

Monday, 9 November 2009




Sunday, 1 November 2009


Hey, be good over there. Reserve a nice place for me, mean while you make great friends there...Promise you will show me around when I'm there.

I won't mourn for you. We'll somehow see each other again.

Hate is when you hug me in public,
Hate it when you bite me so hard,
Hate it when you make fun of me.

somehow, the day we meet again 请你大大力的咬我。
till then, I will be missing you.

Saturday, 31 October 2009

Where's My Party Mood?

Where's my party people go?
Where's my party people go?

They gone halloween, hard party, with delicious liquor...


I'm not there... still can't relate myself to halloween...


Friday, 30 October 2009


I tell you what, the god gonna punish me for my greediness... but hopefully he is mercy enough to spare me a good life.. I do not wish for much, but only the list stated.

Contact Lenses--- I can't live a smooth life with them
New Converse--- My old shoes are aged, time to die
New Belt--- My belts are worn out a bit, and wanna add more variety
Contact Lenses Solution--- To ensure I live a smooth life
Cleansing Bar--- For cleansing
Spectacles--- 4 years old's dude needs retirement plan
Headphone--- I literally destroyed mine
Fixing My Babe--- Ken Ken has too much bruises
More Shorts--- I always wears the only one or two, felt bored
More Jeans--- I only wear my favorite, felt bored as well
Shades--- Panda shape no longer fits me, or I just realize that fact
More T-shirts--- New blood to wardrobe
More Shirts 格子--- My hard crush on them
New Perfume--- CKfree, My love, My Life... Applicious just buried
Money Money Money--- Essential solution of all
Lays--- Important when I'm pps-ing
Stationary--- To enrich my pencil case, don't like it looks empty
Hoodie--- I have no hoodie, feel like owning one
Cap--- Cover my popular face
Wallet--- Feel like tearing the current one into pieces
Rings--- I had 12, now I has 0
Head&Shoulder Shampoo--- Wash my silk on top of my head
Mask--- My face is cracking
Haircut--- Trust me, pigeon is laying eggs on it, peace!
New Bags for College--- Confession of a show off kid
Shaving Cream--- To decorate my ice-cream
Shaving Blade--- Cut grass in yard
Watch--- Countdown for the end of world

Blessed be.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

We Shared, We Growth, We Are Friend

...and still friend-ing in the long future. I foresee.


Be still, every moment,
by the name of friends, I will always beside you. I promise.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009


I never thought today gonna be a good good day. I had the worse to the worst expectation of the day, just spray out my tears on my bed.

Things went pretty fine. I have Sunshine~

After so many days of home self-quarantine due to my own financial fault! yeah~ Blame me!
I have so much fun chit chatting with Fake Dear inside Coffee Bean, with the name of helping her do assignment, but I do help... Did I?
At the time, I was so worry about my mood.
Meeting them, those I missed deep deep inside cinema. Watching a Boar running, banging, crushing people is not scary at all, indeed it is funny... I realize that I'm getting bolder day by days.

I love the "Ohhhhhhhhhh~~~~~" we have it together when the guy got his ass hurt.

Loving every moment in Coffee Island :) I just have my heart warmed, forget about those messy worries, disturbing thoughts.

To a friend named Condom,







not so related, but those highlighted lyrics are for you.
Condom ar~ Condom tho you have cloudy day, but thanks for giving me a SUNNY day.

Saw the light on, but it doesn't as bad as I feel. Sadly, I have a thought.


Thursday, 15 October 2009

I Kept My Memories In Luggage


你不回来好吗? 我坦白,我怕亮灯的房间会瓦解我。





Monday, 12 October 2009

Goodbye TARC, Hello SeGi


I Love You!
This is absolutely the best happening in 2009

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

12 seats VS 6 Butts

Nah nah nah nah nah~~
October is here, which already the 1st week come to the end. I ended my Sept with wild party, happy party, reckless party, sleepless party, I played with my life, burnt my endless youth.
and lastly

Fall Sick

Result releasing soon, on Monday. Heading to anther path or hanging halfway like now, is much depending on what I will be seeing on 12th Oct. Bless it harder, my god.

Poor guy, it is a budget Oct. Play-Save.

What else I wanna spill here?
Love is the best med for my current sickness. I'm desperately denying that I'm desperate,
macam Vynn, lolx

Seminar time, wishing you people get to fill up the 12 seats with 6 pairs of butt.

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Mama Loves

Tomorrow expecting great fun, and great fun expecting great outflow of money.

Trying to get my allowance early from my mum, haha... Is like a usual monthly ritual I will do, my mum say I can only be a good boy whenever I'm short of money, how cruel or she, but she is damn right.

I'm guilt!

I fetch her from work and bring her to ATM, then to catch our lunch together at Jetty, nice fish noodle! I absolutely will be there another time. Then while lunch I KC KC show her that a shirt I wear is so nice, XOX, but I don't want to buy it yet ( lie)... but I'm really sharing with my mum only, not expecting that she said she wanna buy it for me. She asked me to go Gurney with her, she wanna shopping with me.

The shirt's price was overlook by my bad eyesight! It doubled up what I saw on that day, it went too far and made it so not worthy. Secretly still loving it, urgggghhh....

Since I don't wanna pressure my mum, then I said I don't want it anymore... as if I really mean it! lolx...

I fetch her to Gama, old shopping complex where I go almost everyday in my childhood to ride the brown horse. She walk around then we go to men's department, looking around. I was so dead, those shirt are macam my dad century, and my mum so enjoying fitting my dad's fashion on me. urgh! I spotted something before I decided to walk away, finally there are some eyes catching shirts, I happily picking trying them, being in between of 2 lovely shirts, don't know which one to go to, and mum helps me to decide.

I bring home both! Love her!
and I can have new shirt to club!

and when I went home, Aunt said she will give me money to buy new shoes! wheeee!!!!!

Loving my mum, since I know the best way
not having argument with her, show no temper.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Guilty Pleasure Once Again

For years, I dropped or in proper words, I suppressed myself quite well I should have complimented myself that way.
It is time for some fun.

Welcome back, for the guilty sweet pleasure.

Everything happen for a reason I should have quoted that if necessary. Asking Where, When, Who, What, Why and How is almost as dangerous as the killer staying behind you.

There are time people do not like to be judge, almost all the time. Being a very judgmental guy, which is me and pointing at you as well is happening each and every second when we met someone or did something. For me, personally (which is my best protection phrase) think that there is only 2 option in the line waiting you to pick it up, accept it or reject it – Fully.

By mean of what I stated above, I think I’m responsible to clarify it in case there are someone who don’t understand it . Accepting someone is easy while still staying new, unexplored, fresh and STILL behave well and presentable in your eyes, he/she is the coolest best you ever met. Night falls no matter how hot the sun in the afternoon was. Sooner or later there are personalities or actions that you find annoying, not so tally with yours or we are good in saying that ‘Ohhhh… changes makes him my less favorite now’/ ‘That’s not the one I used to know’, Immediately you made a point. Dang, your so coolest best is flawed and you are upset.

What the hell when the coolest best is no longer who you first met? We intend to make changes on people by never reflecting a CM about us. There is nothing wrong when a guy is better and feeling great being who he is and how he behave in the most comfortable position. We like it or dislike it, is there any problem? Will it stop the earth form spinning? I am not stopping you to shape your friends’ personality, just take care of your way is much more than enough. Being honest and being completely honest is different, we all know truth hurts but I think there are ways to avoid poking people by pointing the needle into the skin.

I, another one of a kind, when I kinda like you, I truly mean it , I’m just so honest, *wink*… but when I hate you and showing I’m not liking you much doesn’t affecting my life running smooth and happy, I totally can turn my asshole to talk to you. I called it rejection of friendship or total discrimination from my circle, I rather be blind than seeing everyday, hopping in front of me.

Everyone has it value, not till us to judge how much they worth. You accepted a friend, you take good and bad together, we come in package. If you can’t stand or accept the bad side, why bother to take as a friend? And start torturing the one to turn into who you glad to see. After all, is the good and bad makes friends who they are, and helps us to differentiate them, not robots.

You may rise up a question that, If they are so bad, are you still accepting them and seeing them drown into no where? I would say, hinting is the best way I can do. Telling a girl that her make up sucks on her face tho she spent 3 hours on it, or hinting that another colours might makes her more pleasant is a better way? When she realise that she actually looking bad with the original make up, she eventually will change it to be a better one, than rather you humiliate her while she think she already tried to bring out the best. She will thanks you for your supportive hinting or hate you for your brainless for good sake humiliation?

We change for our self, and often no one can really change us unless we wanna change our self. Seeing you saying how much a bitch worthy, makes me even sickening of you.

Lecturing makes me sick, yet like what I said before, I can’t laugh at jokes that I find it lame.

Another thing to barks of before I went off, I never like people setting me up. Tell the whole package before I promise something, not after I promise then you came in to fill in the blank.
Anyone who thinks that yourself fits in what I said, I'm saying you. Please be happy to fit in and degrade yourself if you want to.

Consider me drunk or Aries Attitude.

Monday, 14 September 2009

The Glimpse of Dark

I'm wondering, there is a moment of every night I felt that I got shattered. Sorrow and pain comes from no where, was still happily doing my stuff then it got a feeling that I was dropping down from a very high place and drown into a very dark place, sticky is how I can describe the feeling.

It is haunting me.





I found no reason, why I will feel so...

Tuesday, 8 September 2009


There is a day, I wanted to do some good deed to a friend of mine.
I drove happily up to a palace where she live
only in one of the dungeon
We took the public pumpkin car to back where she belongs.
Upon reaching the jetty, I was told that she is a Bwitch
I thought the another pumpkin car will directly make us near her
evil palace
but I was told the Bwitch is lame and got to walk her way home
1KM of tearless cry

The downturn of the happy day

The "Masuk", Welcome to a hell trip

I shall understand the Dangerous Sign, that hinted me not go further
yet, my good heart got me killed

My heart is sinking into the ocean

We prisoner, on the boat to the stranger land

My heart, is as dark as his shadow

See, the Bwitch... found guilty and not to show her face

My ID to the No-Where-Land of that Bwitch

Was wondering why his head got a hole

Roar~ I'm a Tiger~

The place where the Bwitch learn her primary magic

The Bwitch tortured me, and I slimmed down again
Stated : 66

Her evilness bringing me to no where,
She lured me with fried Banana, but so lame
She lost in her land, ends up
she poison me with Slurpee and Ice Cream Potong
with my own pocket money
how devilish!

Locked in her house, witness she did something idiot
took picture with her giant horse

There goes another pity prisoner
She always force her to do silly stuff, and the Bwitch gave her
a guy name - Jerry
How pity is the prisoner = How idiot is the Bwitch

The Slurpee poison she make me drink and I got a yellow tongue.

How evil is she? she put me in her house, and she went sleep.
She left me alone with no toys.

Sigh, she makes me look like a mouse, or the Welcome Prosperity Cat

When the night comes, she suddenly got stroked by thunder
and send me back to her Island dungeon with her giant horse
release me and my little deer

I rode happily on my way home
live happily ever after

Friday, 4 September 2009


I forgotten to bring my passport home, I have no air ticket with me.

May I stay a little bit longer?

in your heart?

Thursday, 3 September 2009


I have been fucked up and toyed by that ABFA1024 Fundamentals of Accounting for the fucking 3 times in the pass!







Imma a hot dude now!

Tomorrow wanna have a spring clean up for my room, and seek for part time la...

Happy~ Happy~

Wednesday, 2 September 2009





Monday, 31 August 2009


I'm planning a perfect escapade away from those evil 666's born internet and all the technology that comes along with it. I need to concentrate on my study, FULLY would be the best adjective in this action. I will be carrying a cheerful heart, happily along with those textbooks, pencil case, calculator, full scrape papers and my cell phone with headphone along... who called it a escapade from technology?

Well well well

Far before I get to carry out my escapade perfectly flawless, what am I doing? I'm blogging here, refreshing facebook homepage every 5 seconds I turned away from it, I'm watching Ugly Betty Season 3, and I'm msn chatting with Milk King... Luckily tonight no 'extra' business for me.

Again I wanna ranting about something, which is a fairytale.

I work in a cool airline, as one of their service crew on board better in named, Air Steward. Sigh, I just love to be adventurous, visiting around the world, seeing things with different perspective! Well, despite of that, I'm working part time as a fabulous *not going to be disclosed*, I'm much enjoying my life.

Staying in my own condo, with those i-love-it renovation. Having a master bedroom size of wardrobe filled in with all my outfits... and blah blah blah as it going to be never ending

I live happily ever after in my dream


Spoiled Brat.


It has been 52 years of independence

Happy Birthday

I'm proud that I born in this land

but never proud of those internal affair

Sunday, 30 August 2009


Today, still woke up in the noon time...

I had a vegetarian brunch, felt nice about it. Suddenly an idea pops in, why not I becoming a full-time vegetarian?

Vegetarian are Hotter

It just appeal me for a few minutes then puff~ there it goes I'm tearing the meat with my teeth...
there is no doubt being a vegetarian is great for all, but I just an omnivore.

Recently, I have been dreaming to become a air-steward, haha... don't laugh!
I dare to dream that's all, I still know how to differentiate the reality and the dream.

Exam is here again, same old subject, same old textbook, same old attitude, same old laziness...
Wishing a new result. Amen

Sunday, 23 August 2009


I Lurve the Steamboat
I Lurve the Pool
I Lurve the Pillow Talk
I Lurve those Beer's Games
I Lurve Truth or Dare
I Lurve The Dogs
♥ Cats Hot Sessions
I Lurve Bully Enson
I Lurve This The Most

All Exclusively in 11楼4号

I Just Can't Stop Lurving Everyone Staying in 11楼4号 on The Special Night.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Hey, Mr. Chairperson.

To a mighty friend,

It doesn't matter, it is just a fall. What matter is the way you going to put yourself together. We often find very hard to fit in ourself into perfection, not only you. Everyone hopes to be someone doing something big, you had played your role, not to say well, not to say perfect and it is flaw but so what? You did it like nobody business. Those condemned you, so who they are? Like you said, have they been into your shoes?

You might not be the best I wanna work with, we have our own styles. Many a times, I don't agree with how you work, but hell mine is another hard to cope with style. The past no matter how bad is it, we had done our best not to worsen it, we sweat we bleed we had how many sleepless night nor late night work to made it at least not so close with failure, so what the hell you take it as a failure? When people don't agree with our succeed, first we got to agreed with our own self, so that's the way we get to convince others we actually triumph it loud.

Compared with others, we marched the way, we stomped so loud, best of all the fun you had like no others. There is only once a lifetime chance, there would not be the same if you had a second chance. Keep on looking down at the bad side, will only worsen the you that you been hating for, so what for?

Hey, Mr Chairperson... when everyone taking it as a mess, you don't look like a mess, you should be the one who clear up the mess....

Hey, Mr Chairperson, I had a great time with your event... Thank you.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


It has been sometimes I last updated those non-sense I did in live, sigh~ been much serious person recently... as if I'm...

Just done the marvellous yet significant OO Nite 09/10, where goes my pride? Swear and swear and swear that don't wanna involve in any SWC event anymore, yet still so itchy to dip myself in trouble. Upon doing the same old work for the third times, I shall be very get used to it and doing it so damn smooth. It does not as expected, I should emphasis... just the fun we had is much likely different with those we had last year, both are great! Just sometimes you will still miss the old times and those oldies who work together with you. Working with different people meaning that I had to cope with their style, and personality, adjusting most of our attitude to at least made many many parties feel OK with it. Sigh... however it is ended with a full stop by now. Hereby I swear again, not to involve in the upcoming event! I SWEAR!!!

What I have been to recently? Let's have some update~

This time I happily met Teddy Cheong, Rachel, Danny Fei Lou, Phey Phey and Fu Lian to help out me on my stage, they are as stunning as those last year juniors.

Special Thanks to Fish, who glittered my head, Beh who gives fake hope, Amanda to PHAY the polyform...

and others friends of life like Cindy, Tortoise, Vincent(who get credit personally later) and many many more stunning people!
To done my stage design that had been rejected, refined and lastly transformed into something that our advisor accept, which is totally different from what I had drawn out at the very 1st place~ but never mind I still believe I perform superior magic~

I didn't take much picture and those I have in hand I also very lazy to upload, let's have some to whisper~
I'm so sick climbing up the mountain and waiting people to fetch after collecting those lousy branches, we collect all the way up!! and collapse when we saw there is a big pile waiting for us...
early early know then no need so suffer
A headful of glitters
I believe I can fly~
That's how it looks like~ Phew~~
p/s : for more picture of Orientation Nite 09/10, do visit my facebook~

During this period, I saw smoking cricket~
How many times in live you get to see this?

My little kenari killed another life recently, last time he run tru this

now he crushed this...
and the victim are being cut into half...

Don't mess with my baby boy...

Upon the cleaning up day after O nite, I try to hoop on the stage.. and as a result, I receive an anugerah from myself...
Talk about this fishy~ 9 of them... I wondering how much of them left.. sigh... I'm so sinful~
just a random talk...

This is the ever 1st time I'm using my laptop to blog, his name is Toshy! quite handsome de...

I also wanna fulfil a promise that I promised
A promise shall always be a promise!

I'm waving good bye to you, the one who gone to Singapore for work. Wishing all the best with your career and do take care well of yourself.
sorry, love you still.

Lastly before I go off from my bloggie, I wanna teach you guy a lesson :