Thursday 31 December 2009


I ask my friend a question. "How you feel about your 2009?"

A year that is happy, with no regrets tho lots are remains undone. He answered.

I do not set any resolutions last year, as I don't resolute any of it back in years 2008. So I think I didn't have anythings that I remain undone... *evil grin* Since I have no guide to follow, I live so freely and being punished as well. I do learns, not dare to stay I turn metal man but at least stronger and better and handling my life. Should that be good? I think it is good!

Obstacle are normal in life, they are meant to help us grow better and stronger.

Personally, I don't really like 2009. It is so breath takings dangerous, I almost game over in my future but somehow I'm back together as the happy me.

2010, is stepping near... I can hear the footsteps by now... *excited excited*

Well, may 2010 is a fun-filled year, a moving forward year, a achievement fulfilled year, a great year as I have 2 convocations to attend. XD

Till then, I am expecting a good year, it will be a good year...

Goodbye 2009,
Welcome 2010...


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